Monday, December 14, 2015

Sea of Galilee

   I have returned from my trip to Israel and my eyes saw many wonderful sights! One of them was the Sea of Galilee. When you read the gospels you see that Jesus' earthly ministry centered around the Sea of Galilee. The Lord spent most of His three years of ministry along the shores of the fresh water lake. It was here He shared more than half of His parables and here He performed most of His miracles.
Scripture passages that recount the time that Jesus and the disciples spent on or around this lake:
Matthew 4:18-22- Jesus calls Peter, Andrew, James and John.
Matthew 8: 23-27- Jesus calms the storm while on the lake.
Mark 6: 45-52- Jesus walks on the water.
John 21: 1-14-  Jesus' post resurrection appearance on the shore of the lake.
Here are some personal thoughts that I had while looking at the calm Sea of Galilee:

Sea of Galilee

My eyes behold...
Water of cerulean blue.
We see the same view.
My eyes dim,
Your eyes clear and true.

My life is a ship...
Drawn to this sea.
Small and frail.
I feel Your love for me.

My heart is hiding...
Fearful to try.
I see Your hand...
Lifted against the azure sky.

You say, "Peace, be still."
Peace calms my soul.
It bears my sails...
With a Master's skill.

You calm my heart...
Like the storm on Galilee.
Where my ship...
Meets these waters...
I know Your love for me.

I am here with You...
This small Jesus seeker.
My ship strengthened by You...
The Mighty Peace Speaker.

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